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How to partecipate

The selection of teams that will participate in the Panettone World Championship 2025 is now open.

The selection will end by 12/31/2024 and in any case upon reaching 12 participating Teams/Nations. Each Country may be represented by only 1 team, composed of:

• 3 competitors with a nationality corresponding to the participating Nation

• 1 Captain spokesperson, nominated and chosen from the list of 3 competitors

• 1 Team Manager, resident in the Nation. English is required for communications.


Any coaches nominated by the National Teams must necessarily be residents of the same participating Nation. The members of the Jury and the Organization of the Panettone World Championship 2023 and 2025 cannot act as coaches for the 2025 edition, with the only exception of the Team Manager, who will be part of the Technical Jury.


To proceed with your championship registration, it is essential to download and review the following documents:


Application for participation

The application of the Team that will represent its Country must be sent by completing the application form contained in Annex 1 of the Regulation to: no later than 31.12.2024.

All Nations will be autonomous in organizing the Selections of candidates, at schools or associations.


For the following Countries, the selection of participants will take place through Schools or professional interlocutors already identified: Taiwan – Spain – Brazil – Australia - Japan. Please contact the secretariat directly for more information.


The final selection of the admitted teams is at the sole discretion of the Academy and the Organization specifically established by it for the Panettone World Championship project.


Registration fee

€ 1,500.00 to be paid once confirmation of acceptance of the application has been received from the Accademia and in any case no later than January 31, 2025, by bank transfer to A.M.L.M.P.I. SRL on Unicredit Banca

IT 60 O 02008 65900 000107111469 – BIC/SWIFT UNCRITM1PU8

indicating in the reason for payment “registration fee (+ Country name) PWC 2025 Championship”.

Registration will be considered completed once the above fee has been paid. At the time of registration, the team is also required to complete and have the Privacy form signed, together with the Responsibility for conduct during the competition, attached to the Regulations, to ensure the correct and orderly conduct of the competition.


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